Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Lecture Seven - Commercial Media

Love it or hate it, commercial media impacts our lives. Even in our day to day lives the impact of commerical media is hard to deny.

Read the news on Ninemsn? Commercial Media.

Watch Sunrise in the morning? Commercial Media.

Watch the latest episode of Gossip Girl on Foxtel? Commercial Media.

Turn on a game of NRL? Commercial Media.

Open the Courier Mail? Commercial Media.

Despite the fact that Commercial Media plays such a huge role in our lives, do we all really know and understand what it is? Essentially Commercial Media is media that is not funded by the government, which is either paid for by the users or through advertising dollars.

With media and news seen as one of the pillars of democracy there is no denying the importance of Commercial Media in Australia. Some critics of commercial media believe that "Commercial = corrupt; lack of quality; profit over-rides social responsibility" - John McManus 1994

The media has a social responsibility to inform us. While we are still being informed, are we really being informed about the issues which actually concern us? Do we need to know which celebrities are dating? While we get more of these stories because we ask for me, Commercial media will not deliver the pressing issues until we become interested. After all, interest equals dollars.

The future of Commercial Media is up to us. We as media consumers along with business owners can to continue to fund commercial media, or move towards user generated public media like blogs or media produced by government subsidised organisations.

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