Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Lecture Nine - Agenda Setting

"Agenda setting is the process of the mass media presenting certain issues frequently and prominently with the result that large segments of the public come to perceive those issues as more important than othrs. Simply put, the more coverage an issue receives, the more important it is to the people" (Coleman, McCombs, Shaw, Weaver, 2008)

As soon as you open the paper, or turn the television on, the role of Agenda Setting is clear. The news that we receive and deem most important, is the news that the media choose to make us believe is the most important. The issues of Carbon Tax and 'Boat People' are in recent months, examples of the role of Agenda setting in Australia. The idea that the media shapes our view on these issues is also clearly evident. The media has been quite critical of the Carbon Tax in Australia and unsurprisingly the populatrity of the Gillard Government has dropped to record lows through their support of the Carbon Tax. 

The media doesn't just choose what we regard as important, they create our opinion in the issue. The biggest effect of Agenda Setting, is that we do not have a proper view of what is truly important. 

Agenda Setting Family - 

Media Gatekeeping - What issues the media reports on.
Media Advocacy - The way in which the media promotes issues such as smoking and skin cancer. 
Agenda Cutting - The way in which the media makes important issues seem unimportant by not reporting on them as much as other issues. 
Media Bandwagon - The idea that the media will get on the trends. 
The diffusion of news - The way in which important events/policies are announced. 
Portrayal of the Issue - The way which different media organisations portray an issue that in turn shape the publics perception of the reality. The idea of bias comes into this issue.
Media Dependance - People who use media more become more likely to see the news through the stories the media deems most important. 

The Agenda Setting theory does shape our view of the world. If the media talks about Coal Seam Gas mining every night or Carbon Tax we begin to see it as the most important. While some people will seek other outlets and find the news and important issues themselves, most people are susceptible to the Agenda Setting theory. 

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