With a high Australian dollar and the world at our fingertips it’s no surprise that retail sales took a dive in the latest report released. It is expected this year that $5 billion will be spent using credit cards on overseas internet transactions by Australian's aged under 21. Startling? With the American economy in crisis, hence a high Australian dollar, it is relatively cheap for Australians to shop online, and we're taking advantage of it. Whether or not that is good for our economy is a whole different story. If Australian retailers want to keep sales on shore, they'll have to get more competitive or smarter. Most are choosing the later option. I recently purchased a pair of boots in-store for a small fortune, only to find them for over a $140 cheaper online - the smarter way? Ban online retailers from shipping this brand to Australia, just like the makers of the boots have done. For brands that do ship to Australia however, you can make great savings in fact i'm waiting by the door for the delivery of my new jeans, which I brought for half the price. I don't know much about the economy, but I do know a lot about shopping, and like most people if I can snatch a bargain, I will.
The boots in question, and my latest online purchase
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