Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Day Five - Body Image? Reality or Self-Perception?

Day Five - 'Beauty is not a duty'

Find a girl that thinks she's beautiful. You probably won't with the majority believing that they are not beautiful. The need for us to be beautiful, to feel beautiful starts at a young age. The pressure today however is just as much from society as the girl herself. The pressure today to be beautiful is greater than ever before. What is beauty? Who is beautiful? What does it look like? Young girls are bombarded with images and ideas of what they should look like, what type of figure they should have. With magazines filled with air-brushed models it's no wonder we feel the pressure, without realising that our perception of beauty isn't real, rather the result of photoshop. Even those of a young age struggle with the idea of beauty, the desire to be a 'Cutie Patootie'. It's not just our youth however who battle with body image, with eating disorders amongst those in their 30's and 40's becoming increasingly common. Beauty isn't just a battle with ourselves, it's a battle with the media. Sadly women are losing both wars. 

We spend so much time trying to be beautiful. The question is, do we ever truly recognise what it is?

Is it any wonder even young girls feel pressured to be beautiful? To be Barbie, instead of play with Barbie?

1 comment:

  1. Woa that video at the end....... just wow I am disturbed.
