The Aim: To Record, Analyse and Evaluate my media usage and production over a period of fourteen days (two weeks).
What is media? The idea of media is constantly changing, with the media reaching the wider population in more ways than ever before. There is no real inclusive or exclusive definition of what's media, and what isn't, therefore I decided to record my time spent using/watching/listening/reading audio media, visual media, television, social media, the internet and smart phone applications, as well as my time spent producing this blog. Media, especially content on the internet and social networking, plays an increasing role in our lives. Just look at the way we use media has changed in the past two years. Whether we realise it or not, media plays a significant role in our lives, a role which is constantly increasing with technological advances.
Did you know? - 2009
Did you Know? - 2011
The Results:
Over a period of fourteen days I spent 2780 minutes or the equivalent of almost two entire days (46.3 hours), consuming or producing media. Almost half of that time was spent watching television, with a large amount of my time time spent watching news programs, Australian dramas and sports related programs. Facebook was the only media which I consumed everyday, only because of the convenience of accessing Facebook anytime, and anywhere using the iPhone application.
Over the two weeks I found that I had a tendency to frequent many of the same news sites, watch the same television shows, and listen to the same radio stations. I also found that most of the time this was due to convenience. If the radio station was tuned to NOVA I would listen to NOVA, if my dad was listening to 4BC, I would listen to 4BC, if the television was on Channel Seven, then it would stay on Channel Seven. The 'Wordle' below illustrates what products and services I consumed the most:
Surprisingly I listened to the radio more than I used the Internet (excluding social networking). Over the two weeks I accessed news through television, online, newspapers and talk back radio, as well as Facebook, which linked me to news through pages which I had liked including 'The Queensland Police Service' and 'The Brisbane Broncos' as well as friends who posted links to news articles.
Over the two weeks I didn't spend as much time as I normally would reading the newspaper. I mainly used the newspaper to access local news, purchasing the Queensland Times and The Fassifern Guardian, and using free online content to access news which affected the wider population, including Australian and International news. The graph opposite illustrates that over three quarters of the the time spent reading a newspaper, was spent reading local publications (The Queensland Times and The Fassifern Guardian). Over the two weeks I found that whilst I enjoy reading the newspaper, the inconvenience of going to the local shop to purchase the paper, meant often I didn't read a newspaper unless someone else brought the newspaper home.
Over the two weeks I found that the radio was a convenient way to access the news as well as entertainment. I was surprised by the amount of time I spent listening to the radio, not realising before now that I listened up to an hour of radio on days that I wasn't at home. All of the time that I spent listening to the radio was in the car. I spend quite a lot of time travelling, living forty minutes from the train station and twenty five minutes from work so its not surprising that I listened to the radio as much as I did. I found that the main stations that I listened to were Nova FM and 4BC. I didn't access any Podcasts, illustrating that the radio is something that I listen to when travelling, and not something that I go out of my way to consume.
Television was the most used form of media, using television to consume entertainment as well as news and current affairs. Some of the shows I watched were a a mix, including Sunrise which has elements, of news, entertainment and current affairs. I found I accessed my television news from the same channel, which was also the same channel which I watched shows purely for entertainment. The only time I seemed to change channel was when I watched the sport. I found that that I tended to watch this channel as I found not only the shows more enjoyable but I also found the way in which the news was presented nightly more engaging than other channels. Whilst I tended to gain my news from the one source on television, I supplemented this by reading from a range of online news sites, owned by different companies. The main reason that I watched television (other than news programs) was to relax or to watch the football. I also found that whilst I appeared to watch a lot of television, often the television would be on in the background whilst I was reading or using the computer, making it hard to record an accurate television consumption.
I found that my time online was split between three main sites, Brisbane Times, Ninemsn and Yahoo7. I used news sites to access news quickly and easily and also found them to be good sources of information on a topic or issue which I had heard about but wanted to know more about. I spent the most time on Ninemsn as it is the homepage on my computer and therefore each time I went on the internet, I was able to quickly read the news without actually searching for the news. I have however found that since I purchased an iPhone, I read the news less online as a lot of the sites I used to visit on the internet such as Facebook, my emails and banking are accessible on my phone, using applications. This means the need to actually go on the internet on my computer is now less than it used to be and I have found that I'm not consuming as much news online.
Other sites that I visited online normally had to do with Uni, such as lectures online or research for assignments and tutorial preparation. I used the internet less than I thought I would have. This is because during the two weeks that I studied my media usage, due to personal reasons I was not home often and didn't have time to access to the internet. This also meant that when I did access the internet it was for study rather than for leisure, as I had little time during the two weeks to play games or watch videos on YouTube. I still visited sites like Facebook everyday, mainly because I could easily access them on my phone.
Media Production
The time spent producing media focusing mainly on my time updating my blog as well as the time that I spent posting statuses on Facebook. I found that like my internet usage, due to personal reasons I updated my blog less than I would have liked to, and less than I had in the previous weeks. I also found that I rarely posted a status on Facebook, posting one status and one check-in in the two week period. This was not however and unusual behaviour as I rarely update my status. I also found that on the days that I did update my blog, I would make more than one post, spending up to two hours on posts for my blog. I found that I had a tendency to spend large amounts of time at once updating my blog because I find writing for my blog enjoyable and almost addictive.
The large amounts of time I spent at once updating my blog, meant that I spent the same amount of time updating my blog as I did on Facebook, which I used everyday.
General Observations and Comparisons:
Using the results of a survey conducted using JOUR1111 students I have made the following observations about my results and media usage compared to other journalism students:
- I use less internet than most students, with over a third of students reporting they used more than four hours of internet a day. This however is most likely due to the fact that over the two weeks that I recorded my media usage I had little time to access the internet.
- Like most of my cohort, I have one Twitter and one Facebook account, with the twitter account being established for the use in this subject.
- I own an iPhone along with almost half of the JOUR1111 cohort. I believe that this is more due to the popularity and selling power of the iPhone than anything else.
- I spend most of my time online using Facebook. Almost 90% of those surveyed also spent most of their time on Facebook, illustrating that social networking sites like Facebook are becoming a large part of our day to day rituals, including my own.
- On an average day I watch the same amount of television as most people surveyed (anywhere from under an hour to two hours) however on some days I may watch less television and others I'll watch more. The main reason for this is that I'll only watch shows that interest me. Normally, I watch the same shows, and rarely watch something new.
- On the days which I was travelling I listened to just under an hour of radio, with over half of the JOUR1111 group surveyed listening to under an hour of radio a day. Like the majority of these students I listened to the radio whilst travelling in the car, which suggests that radio is primarily listened to because of its convenience.
- Like many of those surveyed I got my news from a variety of sources, which was expected as news is so easily accessible in a variety of mediums.
It's also reassuring to know I'm not the only one who doesn't like filling out surveys, with most respondents indicating that they're not particularly interested in surveys.
Over the period of fourteen days I've managed to learn a lot about myself and my media usage. I enjoy using a variety of different types of media, and like many people my age, use Facebook daily. I would be interested to record my media usage again over a two week period which I wasn't as busy with family issues and see if the results were different. The biggest discovery I made from recording my media usage and production is that I will consume the type of media which is most convenient at that time which means over the course of a day I'm exposed to a wide variety of media.
I found that my time online was split between three main sites, Brisbane Times, Ninemsn and Yahoo7. I used news sites to access news quickly and easily and also found them to be good sources of information on a topic or issue which I had heard about but wanted to know more about. I spent the most time on Ninemsn as it is the homepage on my computer and therefore each time I went on the internet, I was able to quickly read the news without actually searching for the news. I have however found that since I purchased an iPhone, I read the news less online as a lot of the sites I used to visit on the internet such as Facebook, my emails and banking are accessible on my phone, using applications. This means the need to actually go on the internet on my computer is now less than it used to be and I have found that I'm not consuming as much news online.
Other sites that I visited online normally had to do with Uni, such as lectures online or research for assignments and tutorial preparation. I used the internet less than I thought I would have. This is because during the two weeks that I studied my media usage, due to personal reasons I was not home often and didn't have time to access to the internet. This also meant that when I did access the internet it was for study rather than for leisure, as I had little time during the two weeks to play games or watch videos on YouTube. I still visited sites like Facebook everyday, mainly because I could easily access them on my phone.
Media Production
The time spent producing media focusing mainly on my time updating my blog as well as the time that I spent posting statuses on Facebook. I found that like my internet usage, due to personal reasons I updated my blog less than I would have liked to, and less than I had in the previous weeks. I also found that I rarely posted a status on Facebook, posting one status and one check-in in the two week period. This was not however and unusual behaviour as I rarely update my status. I also found that on the days that I did update my blog, I would make more than one post, spending up to two hours on posts for my blog. I found that I had a tendency to spend large amounts of time at once updating my blog because I find writing for my blog enjoyable and almost addictive.
The large amounts of time I spent at once updating my blog, meant that I spent the same amount of time updating my blog as I did on Facebook, which I used everyday.
General Observations and Comparisons:
Using the results of a survey conducted using JOUR1111 students I have made the following observations about my results and media usage compared to other journalism students:
- I use less internet than most students, with over a third of students reporting they used more than four hours of internet a day. This however is most likely due to the fact that over the two weeks that I recorded my media usage I had little time to access the internet.
- Like most of my cohort, I have one Twitter and one Facebook account, with the twitter account being established for the use in this subject.
- I own an iPhone along with almost half of the JOUR1111 cohort. I believe that this is more due to the popularity and selling power of the iPhone than anything else.
- I spend most of my time online using Facebook. Almost 90% of those surveyed also spent most of their time on Facebook, illustrating that social networking sites like Facebook are becoming a large part of our day to day rituals, including my own.
- On an average day I watch the same amount of television as most people surveyed (anywhere from under an hour to two hours) however on some days I may watch less television and others I'll watch more. The main reason for this is that I'll only watch shows that interest me. Normally, I watch the same shows, and rarely watch something new.
- On the days which I was travelling I listened to just under an hour of radio, with over half of the JOUR1111 group surveyed listening to under an hour of radio a day. Like the majority of these students I listened to the radio whilst travelling in the car, which suggests that radio is primarily listened to because of its convenience.
- Like many of those surveyed I got my news from a variety of sources, which was expected as news is so easily accessible in a variety of mediums.
It's also reassuring to know I'm not the only one who doesn't like filling out surveys, with most respondents indicating that they're not particularly interested in surveys.
Over the period of fourteen days I've managed to learn a lot about myself and my media usage. I enjoy using a variety of different types of media, and like many people my age, use Facebook daily. I would be interested to record my media usage again over a two week period which I wasn't as busy with family issues and see if the results were different. The biggest discovery I made from recording my media usage and production is that I will consume the type of media which is most convenient at that time which means over the course of a day I'm exposed to a wide variety of media.